Software Developers working remotely are Earning more money than Others 2015
An analysis led by Stack Exchange subsidiary of Tech answering site Stack Overflow states that developers working remotely/freelance are getting 40% money more than others. According to the survey the results are as follows.
26,086 developers from 157 countries participated in the survey.
92 % of developers are male in freelance jobs.
12% of female developers are from India.
Most of Freelance developers are from India.
Objective-C developers are earning more than others.
Study about Android is the hot topic.
48% developers are from non programming fields.
0% of workers are from Somalia.
Average developer age is 28.9 year.
An analysis led by Stack Exchange subsidiary of Tech answering site Stack Overflow states that developers working remotely/freelance are getting 40% money more than others. According to the survey the results are as follows.
26,086 developers from 157 countries participated in the survey.
92 % of developers are male in freelance jobs.
12% of female developers are from India.
Most of Freelance developers are from India.
Objective-C developers are earning more than others.
Study about Android is the hot topic.
48% developers are from non programming fields.
0% of workers are from Somalia.
Average developer age is 28.9 year.
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